Marketing Compliance

Understanding ethical standards in pharmaceutical marketing

Marketing Compliance training 

Marketing and communications in the pharmaceutical industry is not like other industries. For good reasons, pharma companies are held to much higher standards and are more heavily regulated than other industries. Here you get in-depth marketing compliance training that helps you understand the rules and regulations set by both authorities and the pharmaceutical industry in Denmark and Europe, making you sharper and more effective in your daily work.

Focused courses

You can take individual courses or engage in a flexible, part-time Diploma in Marketing Compliance.

The individual courses cover general rules and regulations of marketing communications in the pharmaceutical industry.

Design your own diploma

By selecting the courses most relevant to you, you can design your own programme.

To add flexibility, you can take the courses in the order that suits you best.

After completing the two compulsory courses (Pharma Interaction + Pharma Advertising), you can take the exam.

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Introductory courses

E-learning: The Danish Pharmaceutical Industry's Promotional Code

Introduction to Danish Marketing Compliance in Pharma

Pharma Avertising and Information (basic)

Pharma Interaction (basic) - Meeting and Training HCPs

Advanced courses

Marketing Compliance: Digital Media

Pharma Advertising and Interaction (Advanced)

Pre-launch and Post-launch marketing compliance

Promotional Compliance in the Nordics

Write Catchy and Compliant Texts for HCPs and Patients


Diploma in Marketing Compliance


What is ENLI?

The Ethical Committee for the Pharmaceutical Industry, ENLI*, is the industry’s own self-regulatory body, established to ensure that advertising/marketing activities targeted at healthcare professionals and other stakeholders are conducted in a legal an ethically sound manner.

ENLI acts as a voluntary supplement to the control of the Danish Medicines Agency, and within a number of areas, ENLI’s rules go further than Danish legislation. This has led to the fact that the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most regulated industries in Denmark.

*In Danish, ENLI is short for Etisk Nævn for Lægemiddelindustrien.

Want to know more?

Contact Client Manager Ida Salicath at +45 39 15 09 46

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