Pharma Advertising and Information (Basic)

Learn the Danish laws and rules on information for healthcare professionals (HCPs) and the public

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10 Sep 2024


13 Mar 2025

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6,500 DKK ex VAT

(app. 874 EUR ex VAT)



Special rules apply when informing healthcare professionals and the general public about pharmaceutical products: Most pharma information is considered advertising, a lot of advertising tools and methods are not allowed in pharma, and for pharma advertising to be legal, certain conditions have to be met.

This one day course is designed to help you understand which rules apply. You will be introduced to the legal requirements for different pharmaceutical products, audiences and media, so you can avoid common and costly pitfalls.

The purpose of the course is to enable you to keep your pharma information and promotional materials compliant.

To gain the greatest benefits from the course, we recommend that you take this e-learning course “The Danish Pharmaceutical Industry's Promotional Code” in advance.

Other course participants say

"A well-structured and well-executed course."

Susan Lyndgaard, Senior Medical Science Liaison, Takeda Pharma A/S

"The course was interesting and very relevant for me in my work where the rules can be complicated. Good course location and nice staff."

Ina Berger, Medical Operations & Training Coordinator NE, UCB Nordic A/S 

“We covered a lot of ground, and the combination of presentations with assignments is really good. Super great, lecturers skilled at explaining.” 

Helene Hahn, Marketing coordinator, Orion Pharma A/S


  • Sales-orientated material
  • Use of images
  • Compulsary information
  • Communication with healthcare professionals and the public
  • Push versus pull advertising

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Course leader & lecturers

  • Pia Phillipsen
    Course leader
  • Morten Dahl Nielsen
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Is this course for you?

The course is for you if you need to know the applicable rules for pharmaceutical advertising aimed at healthcare professionals and the public in both digital and traditional media.

You probably work in the pharmaceutical industry with compliance, marketing, or communication – or you work at an advertising/communications agency or another type of company providing consulting services to the pharmaceutical industry.

What you will learn

  1. A good basic understanding of advertising rules through theory and practical case studies.
  2. How to distinguish between health/disease information and advertising – and knowledge of when both, one or neither is allowed.
  3. An understanding of what information is required and other general rules for information on medicinal products targeted at healthcare professionals and the general public.
  4. Knowledge of the compliance challenges that may arise in relation to the choice of channel and form, e.g. digital vs. traditional media.
  5. What ENLI's (Ethical Committee for the Pharmaceutical Industry) investigators look for when reviewing information and adverts for medicinal products.

    What your company will get

    1. An employee who can distinguish legal pharma information from illegal pharma promotion.
    2. An employee who masters the requirements for promotional materials aimed at health care professionals.
    3. An employee who is able to keep your communication with patients and the general public compliant.
    4. An employee who knows the requirements and boundaries for advertising images.
    5. An employee who knows what ENLI looks for in media and ads.

      Course calendar

      Choose your starting date
      Starting 10 Sep 2024
      Starting 13 Mar 2025
      10 Sep 2024 9:00-16:00
      Day 1

      Introduction to ethics vs. legislation

      Introduction to advertising rules:

      • Short introduction about the Danish Medicines Agency
      • The concept of advertising: what is advertising for medicinal products?
      • Basic rules on advertising for medicinal products
      • Special prohibitions
      • Advertising on the internet and social media
      • Decisions and sanctions

      Introduction to the Advertising Code's rules for healthcare professionals

      Learn how to scrutinize ads like an investigator:

      • Test your knowledge and learn about §§4-8 of ENLI's Advertising Code through case reviews
      • Use of references: when is a claim well-founded?
      • Use of illustrations: when does an illustration undermine an otherwise sober message?
      Practical information


      Registration deadline
      31 Aug 2024
      Lersø Parkallé 101
      2100 København Ø
      10 Sep
      13 Mar 2025 9:00-16:00
      Day 1

      Introduction to ethics vs. legislation

      Introduction to advertising rules:

      • Short introduction about the Danish Medicines Agency
      • The concept of advertising: what is advertising for medicinal products?
      • Basic rules on advertising for medicinal products
      • Special prohibitions
      • Advertising on the internet and social media
      • Decisions and sanctions

      Introduction to the Advertising Code's rules for healthcare professionals

      Learn how to scrutinize ads like an investigator:

      • Test your knowledge and learn about §§4-8 of ENLI's Advertising Code through case reviews
      • Use of references: when is a claim well-founded?
      • Use of illustrations: when does an illustration undermine an otherwise sober message?
      Practical information


      Registration deadline
      6 Mar 2025
      Lersø Parkallé 101
      2100 København Ø
      13 Mar
      Sometimes things change. This is the expected programme.

      Course information


      Prior to the course you get access to mandatory and/or optional readings via your personal Atrium log-in.

      Familiarize yourself with the compulsory reading material before the start of the course.

      Before starting the course, you must familiarize yourself with the Pharmaceutical Industry's Advertising Code, including in particular §§1-11.

      You will find both the Danish and English versions here:


      You can choose to take an exam that covers the two basic marketing compliance courses once you have completed them as well as E-learning: Advertising code for the Danish pharmaceutical industry. Thereby, you are well on your way to taking the Diploma in Marketing Compliance.

      This course is a part of a diploma

      Diploma in Marketing Compliance

      Through the Diploma in Marketing Compliance, you will get an in-depth understanding of the rules and regulations set by both the authorities and the pharmaceutical industry in Denmark and Europe, making you sharper and more effective in your daily work

      Read more

      Course leader

      Pia Phillipsen


      Morten Dahl Nielsen

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      Want to know more or need help?

      Contact Client Manager Ida Salicath at +45 39 15 09 46

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