Regulatory Medical Writing

Essentials for clinical development and pharmacovigilance medical writers

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23 - 24 Jan 2025

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12,500 DKK ex VAT

(app. 1,681 EUR ex VAT)



This comprehensive two-day course is designed to elevate your medical writing skills and drive success in regulatory writing within both clinical and pharmacovigilance communication (e.g. investigator brochures (IBs), protocols, clinical study reports, clinical overview, development safety update reports (DSURs), periodic safety update reports (PSURs) and risk management plans (RMPs)).

The program has been carefully planned to cover a broad range of topics within the medical writing field and industry experts will guide you through the various agenda items.
The course starts with an overall introduction to the content of the documents and how they are interlinked. It will also include the regulatory review processes and what assessors focus on when reviewing the documents. Later we will discuss general competencies that are relevant for medical writers. Selected areas within this field encompass lean writing, getting your key messages to stand out clearly and directing your writing to right target audience. Additionally, you will learn how to best handle stakeholder interactions and manage your projects, so you ensure an efficient writing and review process. Lastly, we will also touch upon key features of the future of medical writing, namely the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and structured content.

This dynamic and interactive course will feature engaging class discussions, medical writing examples, and group exercises, allowing you to put theoretical concepts into real-world practice, empowering you to enhance your regulatory communication skills.


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  • Clinical medical writing
  • Pharmacovigilance medical writing
  • Industry guidance and resources
  • The regulatory reviewer
  • Effective communication
  • Artificial intelligence in medical writing

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    Course leader & lecturers

    • Anne Førrisdahl Steen
      Course leader
      Safety Surveillance Medical Writing Specialist
      Novo Nordisk A/S
    • Bente Riis
      Course leader
      Director, Medical Communication
      Leo Pharma A/S
    • Gregory Cuppan
      Managing Principal
      McCulley/Cuppan Inc.
    See all

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    Is this course for you?

    This course is for you if you are a regulatory, clinical or safety medical writers.

    Safety surveillance advisors writing safety documents.

    Others in the pharmaceutical industry with a good understanding of clinical development but wanting to know more about the specifics of medical writing.

    What you will learn

    1. Gain comprehensive understanding of regulatory documents in clinical development, regulatory review processes, and the importance of efficient writing techniques.
    2. Practical skills for implementing findings across different documents.
    3. Explore the role of AI and structured content in medical writing and understand how to enhance their work processes and written communication skills.

    What your company will get

    1. An employee who knows how to better meet regulatory requirements in an efficient way
    2. An employee who understands how the different regulatory documents are interlinked
    3. An employee with an enhanced understanding of the regulatory reviewers
    4. An employee who can contribute to improved communication and more efficient review processes
    5. A professional who is familiar with how AI and structured authoring can be used in medical writing

      Course calendar

      Starting 23 Jan 2025
      23 Jan 2025 9:00-16:00
      Day 1
      • Regulatory documents in clinical development
      • Regulatory documents in MAA and post-marketing
      • Overall view of regulatory review
      • Regulatory documents from a regulator's view point

        24 Jan 2025 9:00-16:00
        Day 2
        • How do you write clear and concise, getting key messages across, thinking about the target audience
        • How to best manage strict timelines, keeping a good relationship to your stakeholders and getting the input you need, ensuring effcient review
        • Future in medical writing: ensuring efficient work process and alignment across documents
        • Inspirational talk - what does the future hold? Touch upon AI tools for summarising, rewriting to plain language, data analysis, visualisation
        • How to use AI - what do you need to to know (prompt writing, critical thinking and review)

          Practical information


          Registration deadline
          16 Jan 2025
          Lersø Parkallé 101
          2100 København Ø
          23 - 24 Jan
          Sometimes things change. This is the expected programme.

          Course information


          There is no examination for this course.

          Course leaders

          Anne Førrisdahl Steen
          Safety Surveillance Medical Writing Specialist
          Novo Nordisk A/S
          Bente Riis
          Director, Medical Communication
          Leo Pharma A/S


          Gregory Cuppan
          Managing Principal
          McCulley/Cuppan Inc.
          Anne Førrisdahl Steen
          Safety Surveillance Medical Writing Specialist
          Novo Nordisk A/S
          Bente Riis
          Director, Medical Communication
          Leo Pharma A/S

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          Want to know more or need help?

          Contact Client Manager Christina Spangsberg at +45 39 15 09 22

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